How and where is it best to enter into a particular story—which moment, which sounds and which smells should a…
I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to interview Meg Medina, author of Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your…
Last month, a friend entrusted me with the privilege of skimming and commenting on her draft of a novel. Her…
Plots. So hard to conceive. So necessary to craft well. You’ll often hear writers talk about the struggle to tease…
Ask a novelist what he or she is working on, and you’re apt to get a rambling answer because the…
I’m pushing… pushing… pushing through weak writing to create new scenes before revising/perfecting the old. First drafts are always full…
I’m scared right now. Scared that I won’t be able to write another novel, or at least, not one worth…
This past month I was one of the logistics people behind the best-kept secret on the writing conference circuit: the…
During one of JRW’s twitter-chats (#jrwc12) with upcoming conference speakers, we were posing questions for Kristen-Paige Madonia, author of Fingerprints…
Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club begins like this: Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after that Tyler’s pushing…