The Essence of Story

This gem by artist Brian Andreas exemplifies the essence of story. Can you feel the yearning in it? Hear the heartbeat? Imagine sailing away on a memory?(c)2017 brian andreas

That’s a sailboat, right? Or do you see something else? A kite? A fish? Whatever you see, whatever I see—when I read these words, I lean in. I feel a pulse, a purpose, a sense of desire.

Without using language like desire, yearn, want, wish, etc., can you make your manuscript pulse between the lines the way this story does?

Brian AndreasA friend gave me this lovely gem of a story earlier this month, and it was my first exposure to the work of Brian Andreas. Turns out, I’m late to the party. He’s been crafting story art for years, and his books have been nominated for the Pulitzer. I was thrilled when he answered my email, giving me permission to post his art on my blog. Thank you, Brian!

You can learn more about Brian on his website and at, and for his most recent work, follow him on Instagram @brianandreas. (Hey, Virginia: Brian is doing a storytelling workshop in Hampton in February 2018! Check out the details.)

Happy Holidays, and all the best with your latest creative project, whatever it may be…

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